| 2013-10-18 17:25:40

Елена Петровна, подскажите пожалуйста, опасно ли наличие лямблий в организме беременной женщины (20 недель беременности)....

Елена Петровна, подскажите пожалуйста, опасно ли наличие лямблий в организме беременной женщины (20 недель беременности). Как и когда их можно вылечить чтобы не повредить развитию ребёнка? Благодарю заранее за ответ.

Ответы врачей 3

Березовская Елена Петровна
Березовская Елена Петровна
Изображение будет видно только врачу, и не будет показано пользователям сайта на страницах консультаций. * Ваш е-мейл конфиденциален и не будет доступен другим пользователям
Адрес: Mount Sinai Hospital , clinical research coordinator, director
Телефон: 000-000-000
Не согласна! Лямблии могут поражать новорожденного (и чаще всего они и поражают новорожденных во время родов), и привести к их дегидрации.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1981 Aug 15;140(8):895-901. Related Articles, Links

Giardiasis in pregnancy.

Kreutner AK, Del Bene VE, Amstey MS.

Giardiasis in pregnancy can be a debilitating disease with threatens the well-being of mother and fetus, as illustrated by three cases. The usual therapeutic agents are contraindicated in pregnancy. Paromomycin, an oral, poorly absorbed aminoglycoside, is an alternate, potentially less toxic agent for treatment of symptomatic giardiasis in pregnancy. The pharmacologic actions of paromomycin in human beings and its antiprotozoan efficacy are discussed.

Publication Types:
Case Reports

PMID: 7270602 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Ginecol Obstet Mex. 2002 Jul;70:338-43. Related Articles, Links

[Prevalence and risk factors associated with intestinal parasitoses in pregnant women and their relation to the infant`s birth weight]

[Article in Spanish]

Rodriguez-Garcia R, Rodriguez-Guzman LM, Sanchez-Maldonado MI, Gomez-Delgado A, Rivera-Cedillo R.

Hospital General de Zona No. 32, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Minatitlan, Veracruz.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and the risk factors associated with intestinal parasitosis in pregnant women and the relation with the newborns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A transversal analytical study. 207 women were selected and a guided survey was applied. They were also asked for three stool samples for their parasitoscopic study by Faust`s method. The levels of hemoglobin as well as the child`s birth weight. RESULTS: The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis was 38.2%. 84% of the women presented only one parasite. The protozoan Giardia lamblia was very frequent (65.8%), followed by Ascaris lumbricoides (13.9%). Women with positive samples in the parasitoscopic study were younger (p = 0.002), and a greater probability of a scholastic level lower than Jr. High School, as well as having a dirt floor in their house and a positive contact with domestic animals. The mean weight of the newborn of mothers without intestinal parasitosis was 3,333 +/- 441 g; in the group of mothers with only one parasite was 3,291 +/- 360 g; with two parasites 3,104 +/- 425 g; and three parasites the weight was 2,675 +/- 674 g, these differences were not statistically significant (P = 0.1), however, there is a greater possibility of a newborn with less weight at birth than expected. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in pregnant women is high due to their physiological state. It is necessary to modify some preventive measures of information, education and to give specific treatment before the pregnancy in order to increase some of the pregnant women`s health indicators. The newborn of mothers with intestinal parasitosis have a greater probability of being born with less weight than what is expected.

PMID: 12221909 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 1993 Jan;50(1):27-31. Related Articles, Links

[The prevalence of antibodies against Giardia lamblia in umbilical cord serum and in maternal peripheral blood]

[Article in Spanish]

Lascurain-Ledesma R, Mora-Jaen ME, Acosta-Altamirano G, Santos-Preciado JI.

Laboratorio de Inmunoquimica y Biologia Celular, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, D.F.

Using an immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA), 40 serum samples from the peripheral blood of women in labor and serum from the umbilical cord of their offspring were analyzed in order to detect the prevalence of antibodies against Giardia lamblia. The results show that 12.5% of the maternal serum samples and 15.0% of those from the umbilical cord had optical density values comparable to those positive for G. lamblia used in the assay. This suggests that important concentrations of maternal IgG antibodies for the parasite are transferred through the placenta. The role that these antibodies play in the neonatal protection is still to be determined.

PMID: 8427645 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Нет – лямблии беременности не угрожают. Лечить можно после окончания грудного вскармливания.
Д-р И.Марков
Березовская Елена Петровна
Березовская Елена Петровна
Изображение будет видно только врачу, и не будет показано пользователям сайта на страницах консультаций. * Ваш е-мейл конфиденциален и не будет доступен другим пользователям
Адрес: Mount Sinai Hospital , clinical research coordinator, director
Телефон: 000-000-000
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